
President Emerson Manangagwa Takes Unprecedented Actions, Dismissing Minister Amidst Liberation Struggle Cases and Appointing Deputy Ministers

 President Emerson Mnangagwa made an unexpected action on Saturday, sacking popular minister Christopher Mutsvangwa amid liberation struggle cases. Manangagwa also nominated three deputy ministers to ministries that had been operating without appointments since the peaceful elections of August 2023.

Emerson Mnangagwa

Emerson Manangagwa Swiftly Dismisses Former Praise Singer, Declares George Charamba in Official Statement

In a statement, George Charamba, the Deputy Chief Secretary in the President's Office and head of presidential communication, stated that Manangagwa swiftly released his former praise singer from duties.

There was no explicit explanation for Mutsvangwa's departure from the government.

For the moment, Manangagwa has appointed three deputy ministers: Omphile Marupi for the Ministry of Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services, Sheila Chikomo for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and Benjamin Kabikira.

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